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C# Visual Studio Not Building in current project only

I have a program that I have been writing and I usually press F6 to build and then CTRL + F5 to run the program. I must have hit something because in my current project nothing is ever updated when I press F6. I get the following message in the Output:

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ===========

I have since copied and pasted all of this code into a new project and F6 followed by CTRL + F5 builds and runs my program without issue, updating my code as I expected, which leaves me to believe this is a project specific issue, not Visual Studio specific issue, as it's only effecting this one project.

Any idea what I must have hit that is causing this issue and what I can do to fix it? I obviously have a work around that gets me by, but this isn't the first time I've done this and I'd love to know how to fix it so that I don't have to copy all of my code and recreate it all from scratch each time.

As a reference, I've already tried resetting my keyboard shortcuts to default (though I wouldn't think that would be the case since it works on other projects, unless keyboard shortcuts are project specific, which I doubt). I've also checked under BUILD > Configuration Manager to make sure that Build is checked, which it is. Those are the only two solutions I have come across when searching for this issue online, though it's possible I'm using the wrong keywords when searching.

I appreciate any insight anyone can offer. Thank you in advance!


  • Build solution will only perform an incremental build that means, projects in the solution that are not changed will be ignored during build process. Instead you can perform Rebuild solution (found in Build menu) which will completely build the solution from scratch. This is probably what you want