Suppose I'm given a class A
. I would like to wrap pointers to it into a small class B
, some kind of smart pointer, with the constraint that a B*
is automatically converted to an A*
so that I don't need to rewrite the code that already uses A*
I would therefore want to modify B
so that the following compiles...
struct A {
void foo() {}
template <class K>
struct B {
B(K* k) : _k(k) {}
//operator K*() {return _k;}
//K* operator->() {return _k;}
K* _k;
void doSomething(A*) {}
void test() {
A a;
A* pointer_to_a (&a);
B<A> b (pointer_to_a);
//b->foo(); // I don't need those two...
B<A>* pointer_to_b (&b);
// Following represents existing code I don't want to change...
pointer_to_b->foo(); // 'foo' : is not a member of 'B<K>'
doSomething(pointer_to_b); // 'doSomething' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'B<K> *' to 'A *'
Note that B
inheriting from A
is not an option (instances of A
are created in factories out of my control)...
Is it possible?
The type of pointer_to_b is pointer to B, which is a type you cannot modify; it's implemented by the compiler.
You can do (*pointer_to_b)->foo(), which will do the right thing (assuming you have the overridden operator->()). However, that won't let the other code do the right thing, if you pass pointer_to_be into it.
Also let me add that you can override operator& on B to return an A*, which might solve your problem, depending on the specific use cases.