I want to create the DataGrid like that:
{Label} {TextInput}
{Label} {ComboBox}
I can use "ComboBoxGridItemEditor" and etc but problem is that ItemEditors and renderers apllies to the whole column. But I need different types of controls in the different rows but in the same columns.
For better understanding I did screenshot from VS for example:
I want to create properties table like that by MXML because I want to make easier future editing of this table.
Have someone similar task or any ideas how to do that? Thanks.
You can define a factory function to create itemRenderers depending on data for a given row. Take a look at itemRendererFunction.
Example from here:
private function selectRenderer(item:Object):ClassFactory {
var classFactory:ClassFactory;
if(item is IVisualElement){
// If the item is a Flex component, use DefaultComplexItemRenderer.
classFactory = new ClassFactory(DefaultComplexItemRenderer);
else if (item is Object){
// If the item is an Object, use MySimpleItemRendererFunction.
classFactory = new ClassFactory(MySimpleItemRendererEmployee);
return classFactory;