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How do I jump to the next/prev diff in GIT difftool?

I am using git difftool to compare 2 large files in VIM. I want to navigate only to the lines that differ.

How do I navigate quickly between lines that differ using GIT difftool ?

I am looking for something like winmerge shortcut keys :
Alt+down - Next Change
Alt+Up - Prev Change


  • vim Has an extensive and pretty good helpfile. You would do yourself a favour trying to familiarize yourself with it.

    from :h diff

    3. Jumping to diffs                 *jumpto-diffs*
    Two commands can be used to jump to diffs:
        [c      Jump backwards to the previous start of a change.
                When a count is used, do it that many times.
        ]c      Jump forwards to the next start of a change.
                When a count is used, do it that many times.