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ThreeJS : Calculate FOV for mesh in Orthographical Camera

So I've tried to solve this issue for a couple of hours now and can't get it to work.

I have created a mesh and viewing from above in Orthographical view.

the dimensions of the mesh is: 400 * 500 the height( is it needed?) is 300

it is placed at point 0, 0, 0

the camera is positioned on 0, 5000, 0 facing straight down on 0, 0, 0

Now the only thing I need to know is how to calculate the fov


so that the camera can see the whole mesh from above + 100 units on each side so the user can see where the mesh has its bounds.

Tried this, either I did something wrong or it doesn't work for ortho,

Thank you :)


I tried a new way which I thought made sense but nope...

var dist = _Camera.position.y - _mesh.position.y;
var width = _mesh.geometry.parameters.width;

var halfHorizontalFOV = Math.atan((width / 2) / dist);
halfHorizontalFOV = Algorithms.ConvertRadiansToDegrees(halfHorizontalFOV);

gives me degrees that are way off what it should be.


  • Solved my problem using the Orthograpical fix:

    var zoom = orthoWidth / meshWidth;