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Camera pose estimation

I am trying to write a program from scratch that can estimate the pose of a camera. I am open to any programming language and using inbuilt functions/methods for feature detection...

I have been exploring different ways of estimating pose like SLAM, PTAM, DTAM etc... but I don't really need need tracking and mapping, I just need the pose.

Can any of you suggest an approach or any resource that can help me ? I know what pose is and a rough idea of how to estimate it but I am unable to find any resources that explain how it can be done.

I was thinking of starting with a video recorded, extracting features from the video and then using these features and geometry to estimate the pose.


  • Generally, you can extract the pose of a camera only relative to a given reference frame. It is quite common to estimate the relative pose between one view of a camera to another view. The most general relationship between two views of the same scene from two different cameras, is given by the fundamental matrix (google it). You can calculate the fundamental matrix from correspondences between the images. For example look in the Matlab implementation: After calculating this, you can use a decomposition of the fundamental matrix in order to get the relative pose between the cameras. (Look here for example:

    You can work a similar procedure in case you have a calibrated camera, and then you need the Essential matrix instead of fundamnetal.