I would like to run a cron job executing php script. The purpose of the script is to create csv file with data selected from database and to save it on the server. This is a command I created:
php -c /home1/breezeea/public_html/php.ini /home1/breezeea/public_html/portaltest/ProductsToImportGenerator.php
I also setup email confirmation and it seems to work, but the file is not created in uploads directory.
The screen shows a confirmation email that I am getting. There is csv file content so I guess the php script is executed properly:
That is most important part of the code of php script($productsArr are products retrived from database):
function products_to_csv($productsArr, $filename = "productsToImport.csv", $delimiter=",")
$f = fopen('php://memory', 'w');
$headers = array("Product Name", "Product Url", "excerpt", "description", "Product Status", "Menu_order", "SKU", "Downloadable",
"Virtual", "visibility", "quantity", "stock status", "allow backorders", "manage_stock", "regular_price",
"sale_price", "weight", "length", "width", "height", "featureD", "sale_price_dates_from",
"sale_price_dates_to","download_limit", "download_expiry", "images", "download File name", "type", "category",
"product_tag", "shipping class");
fputcsv($f, $headers, $delimiter);
foreach($productsArr as $product)
fputcsv($f, $product, $delimiter);
fseek($f, 0);
header('Content-Type: application/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename="'.$filename.'";');
Should I modify the command somehow to have the csv saved in uploads directory?
Thanks for any help
Your script doesn't save the file on the server, it only sends it as an attachment to the browser opening the script. You should change fpassthru
to file_put_contents() to save the file on the server.