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rhc ssh [No system SSH available] error

I want view my openshift application log in my cmd. I did try :
rhc ssh appname

that time i am getting:

No system SSH available. Please use the --ssh option to specify the path to your SSH executable, or install SSH.

My system have already ssh how can i solve that problem?


  • You need to make sure:

    • you are in a cmd session where HOME is define (type set HOME to check its value: it must be C:\Users\yourLogin, because ssh needs to look for keys in %HOME%\.ssh)
    • your ssh.exe parent folder is referenced in the %PATH%, or you can type:

      rhc ssh -ssh "c:\prgs\git\PortableGit-2.8.3-64-bit\usr\bin\" -a appname

    Replace c:\prgs\git\PortableGit-2.8.3-64-bit with the actual installation path of your Git for Windows.

    The easiest solution is to add the git\usr\bin folder (which includes ssh.exe) to the PATH environment variable.