I wrote a cabal package with a number of working examples. However, when I copy one of these examples out of the Examples directory and try to run it, I get the error below:
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal add-source deckbuild/
$ cabal install deckbuild/
$ cabal repl
GHCi, version 7.8.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
λ> :l GreedyInference.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( GreedyInference.hs, interpreted )
Could not deduce (mtl-
Game (StateT Game m))
arising from a use of ‘runGame’
from the context (MonadState Game m, MonadIO m)
bound by the type signature for
runGreedy :: (MonadState Game m, MonadIO m) =>
(Double, Double) -> m Game
at GreedyInference.hs:92:14-94
In the first argument of ‘execStateT’, namely ‘runGame’
In the expression: execStateT runGame
In the expression: execStateT runGame $ greedyGame ps
No instance for (MonadState Game IO)
arising from a use of ‘runGreedy’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘runGreedy (param0, param1)’
In the expression: unsafePerformIO $ runGreedy (param0, param1)
In an equation for ‘g’:
g = unsafePerformIO $ runGreedy (param0, param1)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Since the type signatures work in the cabal package, I have the feeling I'm missing an import or I need to tweak the type signatures slightly when using the code from outside the package. Any ideas? I'm just looking for a push in the right direction and I should be able to figure out the specifics.
The working (when loaded with cabal repl
from inside the package) module can be found here: https://github.com/cronburg/deckbuild/blob/master/Examples/GreedyInference.hs
EDIT: I think it has something to do with Lazy
vs Class
in Control.Monad.State
. The deduce wants Class
for some reason, but hackage says Lazy
is the default. Which one should I be using and why?
I ended up just making a file at Game/Monad.hs
module Game.Monad (execStateT, MonadState, MonadIO) where
import Control.Monad.State
Then replaced my import Control.State.Monad
with import Game.Monad
in GreedyInference.hs
. The file then compiled without the error.
So I think @Rufflewind in the comments was on the right track - the mtl
types imported in my package weren't matching the mtl
types imported by the standalone GreedyInference.hs
. I'm still not sure why though since the versions matched and all the pertinent imports are import Control.Monad.State