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Impersonating IUSR from code

In IIS Manager, in Authentication - Anonymous Authentication I have Anonymous user identity set as IUSR.

Now if If put this into web.config:

<identity impersonate="true"/>

then System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name returns NT AUTHORITY\IUSR.

but if I remove

<identity impersonate="true"/>

how can I impersonate the IUSR from code? I tried to use SimpleImpersonation to do it but then I need the password of IUSR. I found a way to get it using obsolete adsutil.vbs but I don't have it on Windows 8.1 / IIS 8.5.

This question is theoretical, I don't have a need for impersonating IUSR but I find the fact that IIS does it interesting.


  • IUSR is built-in now and does not have a password (more info).
    IIS as a service has rights to obtain IUSR impersonation token -- check example on LogonUser.
    There is IIS API that provides token handle, which ASP.NET runtime uses.
    I believe this may be relevant code from reference sources.

    As for actual question, I don't know how anyone can legally impersonate IUSR, sorry.