How can I make a factorial in prolog by a given number ?
run:-write('This is a Prolog program that find the factorial of a number'),
start:- nl,nl,write('Please enter the number X = '),read(X),
write('The factorial of a 0 is '),write('1'),nl.
X1 is X-1,
R is S*X,
write('The factorial of the number is'),write(R),nl.
You do it the usual Prolog way - by defining a recursive rule that covers two clauses:
, its factorial is 1
- This can be done with a simple fact.Number-1
, obtain its factorial, and multiplying the result by Number
.This should not be too difficult to code up. All you need to know is that arithmetical operations use is
operator, i.e. PriorNum is Number - 1
or Result is Number * PriorFactorial
Your entered/1
predicate looks like an attempt. However, you should rework it into factorial/2
, with the first parameter representing the input, and the second parameter representing the output of your predicate.
No output should be happening in either of the two clauses - this should be done in the run
factorial(0, 1).
factorial(X, R) :- N > 0, X1 is X-1, factorial(X1, S), R is S*X.