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AngularJS, HTML5 mode routing not working

I am trying to rid my site of Hashbangs but I can't seem to get it quite right. For example, if I land on my home page and then click on the "CSS" menu and select the "Origami Element" menu option, I briefly see the page load before I am directed to a GitHub 404 page.

If I put the url ( in directly, I get sent directly to the GitHub 404.

What am I missing, or is this not possible on a GitHub Pages-hosted AngularJS site?

Below is a partial chunck of my app.js

var app = angular.module('eatsleepcode', ['ngRoute', 'ngSanitize']); 

/* Routing */
app.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider',
    function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {    
            when('/', {templateUrl: 'views/blog.html', controller: 'BlogController'}).
            when('/blog', {templateUrl: 'views/blog.html', controller: 'BlogController'}).
            when('/blog/:postID', {templateUrl: 'views/blog.html', controller: 'BlogController'}).
            when('/contact', {templateUrl: 'views/contact.html', controller: 'DefaultController'}).
            when('/privacy', {templateUrl: 'views/privacy.html', controller: 'DefaultController'}).
            when('/resources', {templateUrl: 'views/resources.html', controller: 'DefaultController'}).
            when('/terms', {templateUrl: 'views/terms.html', controller: 'DefaultController'}).
            when('/css/origami', {templateUrl: 'views/css/origami.html', controller: 'DefaultController'}).
                redirectTo: '/404'

/* Controllers */
app.controller('DefaultController', function($scope) {});


  • @zeroflagL suggestion got me over my first hurdle. I had some code that was specifically firing on hashbang URLs. I had failed to update that IF condition.

    Now, clicking on all the links worked fine but entering a URL directly resulted in a 404 error. Had I been running this site on IIS or Apache I could have rectified the solution by implementing a URL rewrite (and this would be the ideal way to deal with this).

    But alas, I am running this on GitHub pages. They currently (as of 11/25/2014) do not support setting up your own URL rewrite configuration.

    They do however, let you setup a custom 404 page. I setup a simple 404.html page in the root of my GitHub pages site. This 404 page, inserts the hash AngularJS needs behind the scenes into the URL and then calls a redirect to it. As we are using a window.location.replace, the 404.html page doesn't show up in the browser history.

    <html lang="en" data-ng-app="eatsleepcode">
        <title><eat-sleep-code /></title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + + '/#' + window.location.pathname;

    In the event the page doesn't really exist... ie: Angular routing takes over and loads my 404 view. Perhaps not the most elegant solution but it appears to have worked in a situation where URL rewriting is not an option.