This is a follow on from the question here:
gcloud deploy error: Image with tag google/docker-registry was not found which is based on the post here .
I've followed the steps in the second link and succeeded in getting gcloud and docker to run the github project locally. However I am stuck on deployment.
After downloading the docker-registry container, I found that I had the 'insecure registry' issue, so I followed the steps in the top rated answer in the stack overflow question linked above. However when I tried to restart the daemon, I received a 'Tls message' as follows:
docker@boot2docker:/mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker$ sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
Need TLS certs for boot2docker,,,
I was wondering if there is something that I need to do, or if this is a boot2docker issue? I noticed that in the boot2docker project on github, people mentioned 'workarounds' for disabling tls, which I managed to do by adding a line
to my /var/lib/boot2docker/profile file within the VM, and this did enable me to restart the docker daemon, however "gcloud preview app deploy --server ." requires that tls is enabled. So I feel like I'm untying one hand from behind my back and replacing it with the other in this instance!
Is there some fix required for this, or am I missing something important? If so, do I need to use boot2docker 1.3.0 as opposed to 1.3.1?
If anyone could help me in this matter that would be greatly appreciated.
Otherwise, my strategy I think would be to wait for these tools to mature a bit more, as I am after all using the preview version of gcloud, and I think TLS support in boot2docker is relatively new.
Yes, 1.3.1 is not compatible with our SDK. Plese use the latest (as of today) 1.3.2 or 1.3.0.