So I'm trying to get the hang of Dajaxice for Django. Everything was fine till I used Dajaxice, but just I tried Dajax I gat trouble.
I made a new project and inside it an example app. So then I made a button - Button 1 in a template which uses a function in, this worked fine. Button 2 did not work though, which uses the second function in I have pasted the index.html and code below. How can I get the Button 2 to work, and make it do what I want it to do.
{% load dajaxice_templatetags %}
{% dajaxice_js_import %}
<input type="button" value="Button 1" onclick="Dajaxice.example.sayhello(my_js_callback);"/>
<input type="text" id="text"/>
<input type="button" value="Button 2" onclick="Dajaxice.example.saytext(my_js_callback, {'text':$('#text').val()});"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function my_js_callback(data){
from django.utils import simplejson
from dajaxice.decorators import dajaxice_register
def sayhello(request):
return simplejson.dumps({'message':'Hello World!'})
def saytext(request, text):
return simplejson.dumps({'message':'%s' % text})
this has been said multiple times over the last few years. The Dajaxice project is a bad idea and you should just use JQuery and AJAX instead to post/receive data to your django view.
The author has stated on his Github page; "These days using this project is a bad idea."