Im trying to animate a image that moves from the right side of the screen to the left, i guess thats what translate is for, but not really sure how it works, or whats the best solution. So far i have this:
<Image Height="50" Width="50" Source="/Assets/Img/cloud.png" Stretch="Uniform">
<TranslateTransform x:Name="p1Translate" X="0" Y="0"/>
Which is nothing! So can someone help me, translate the cloud.png just in the X axis?
Greets, José Correia
Did you try using the CompositeTransform
for your image? You could use Blend
to come up with a storyboard animation.
XAML storyboard animation moving images from outside viewport-windows phone 8
For further reference:
Images Animation By Using Story Board in Windows Phone 8/8.1