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How to read SMS from sim in dongle using JAVA

I am using following code to send sms from dongle. Its sending Sucessfullly. Now I want to read SIM sms or unread sms from dongle so plaese can any one tell me how to read that

following is the code to send sms

import org.smslib.OutboundMessage;
import org.smslib.Service;
import org.smslib.modem.SerialModemGateway; 


private  String port = "COM4";          // Modem Port.
private  int bitRate = 9600;            // This is also optional. Leave as it is.
private  String modemName = "ZTE";      // This is optional.
private  String modemPin = "0000";      // Pin code if any have assigned to the modem.
private  String SMSC = "+919822078000"; // Message Center Number ex. Mobitel


SerialModemGateway gateway = new SerialModemGateway("", port, 9600, "InterCEL", "");
// System.out.println("center number=" + gateway.getSmscNumber());

OutboundMessage o = new OutboundMessage(number, str);

There is InboundMessage class which takes three parameters sunch as gateway, MemoryIndexNumber, SimMemoryLocation which I am unable to get so it returns null

InboundMessage n=new InboundMessage()

If there is any other way to read sms from SIM of dongle.


  • To read the messages currently in the SIM memory, you can just do

    ArrayList<InboundMessage> msgList = new ArrayList<InboundMessage>();
    Service.getInstance().readMessages(msgList, InboundMessage.MessageClasses.ALL);
    for (InboundMessage im : msgList) {

    But to do live detection of incoming messages, you need to implement org.smslib.IInboundMessageNotification


    import org.smslib.AGateway;
    import org.smslib.IInboundMessageNotification;
    import org.smslib.InboundMessage;
    import org.smslib.Message.MessageTypes;
    public class SMSInNotification implements IInboundMessageNotification
        public void process(AGateway gateway, MessageTypes msgType, InboundMessage msg)
            switch (msgType)
                case INBOUND:
                    System.out.println(">>> New Inbound message detected from " + "+" + msg.getOriginator() + " " + msg.getText());
                case STATUSREPORT:

    Then run these before the line which starts the service with .startService()

    Service.getInstance().setInboundMessageNotification(new SMSInNotification());

    You can read more in the documentation on github