I have a following xml file. I need to change the inner text of ANY tag, which contains the value «Museum», or just a tag for a start:
<riquadro797>Direction to move</riquadro797>
<elemento797>Direction not to move</elemento797>
<com> </com>
<elemento797>Direction not to move</elemento797>
I've parsed this file to XElement. What I've tried and it dos not work:
var tt = xmlCluster.Elements(First(x => x.Value == "Museum");
This code is not proper, as I cannot predict which element will contain "Museum":
var el = rootElRecDocXml.SelectSingleNode("src/riga/gt/elemento797[text()='"+mFilePath+"']");
How to do it? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
just grab all elements with Museum
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var elements = doc.Descendants().Where(e => e.Value == "Museum");
foreach (var ele in elements)
ele.Value = "Test";
//doc is updated with new values
as Selman22 noted, doc will just be a working copy of your xml. You'll need to call doc.Save
to apply anything back to the disk, or wherever you need