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iPhone FBConnect, dashboard.addnews

How to add news via FBConnect?
I have the following code:

NSString *newsBody = @"[{\"message\": \"News message\" }]";
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:newsBody forKey:@"news"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:@"facebook.dashboard.addnews" params:params dataParam:nil];

After I sent the request I received the success responce. But I can't see the new news in the facebook account.

Also, I tried to add full info into news parameter (

NSString *newsBody = @"[{\"message\": \"News message\",\"action_link\": {\"text\": \"link text\",
\"href\": \"http: //\"} }]";

But this request returns error.
Any ideas?


  • I found the answer. The FBStreamDialog should be used to publish the news. It means that the custom interface cannot be used for this purposes. :( Also, just wanted to say that FBConnect it's a one big mess!! Currently fighting with the bug when after clicking Cancel button in the FB dialog the dialog firing the event dialogDidSucceed but not dialogDidCancel. Such a big mess!!!