How is it possible to use a instanced read in my main?
Right now i have the following:
data Term = Monom (Float,Int)
| Addition (Term,Term)
| Subtraction (Term,Term)
| Multiplication (Term,Term)
| Division (Term,Term)
instance Read Term where
readsPrec _ inp = let[(a,b)] = lex inp in
case a of
"x" -> readsPrec 0 b
"^" -> [(Monom (1.0,(read b::Int)), "")]
c -> let[(d, "")] = readsPrec 0 b in
[(Monom( (read c::Float),((\(Monom(x,y)) -> y) d)), "")]
--Aufruf: (read "2x^2")::Term
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Insert a Term:"
inpStr <- getLine
let outStr = (read inpStr)
putStrLn outStr
This will compile/interprete but when i call my main and enter"2x^2" it just returns "2x^2" instead of Monom(2.0,2). If you call (read "2x^2")::Term it will work fine, just how do i do it in my main?
Normaly i would just return
(read inpStr)::Term
instead of putStrLn because read implements show but the interpreter is making me crazy... Any Help would be appriciated
You can use type qualifier in let
. Your main
would look like this:
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Insert a Term:"
inpStr <- getLine
let outStr = read inpStr :: Term
putStrLn $ show outStr