Does anyone has a short list with most used git commands? Not the complete manual, but only what I approximately need daily. I'm new and would like a small list to put under my screen. This to pickup git faster.
That's all folks!
This is what I came up with. I have printed this out, and it helps me getting started with git commands:
git init
git status
git log --summary
git add file.txt
git add '*.txt' : add all files, also in subfolders
git rm file.txt : remove file
git rm -r foldername: remove file and folders recursively
git commit -m "Descriptive text of the change"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
git pull origin master
git diff --staged
git add folder/file.txt : Add file to staged area
git reset folder/file.txt : Remove file from staged area
git checkout -- folder/file.txt : checkout the last know version, restore.
git branch feature : create branch
git checkout feature : use branch (and do the work)
git checkout master : go back to master before merge
git merge feature : merge branch into master
git branch -d feature : delete that branch that is not used any more