I am sending newsletter like below with Springframework 3.
private void sendMail(Map<String,Object> mailInfo) throws Exception{
JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();
mailSender.setUsername("[email protected]");
MimeMessage msg = mailSender.createMimeMessage();
MimeMessageHelper mHelper = new MimeMessageHelper(msg, true, "UTF-8");
mHelper.setFrom(new InternetAddress(
mailInfo.get("send_mail").toString(), mailInfo.get("send_name").toString()));
mHelper.setTo(new InternetAddress(
mailInfo.get("recv_mail").toString(), mailInfo.get("recv_name").toString()));
mHelper.setText(mailInfo.get("mail_desc").toString(), true);
In my case value of mail_desc
is an HTML(it has css and other resources). Mail goes well, but its CSS and all of images are broken.
I appended to all of src value like below in JSP
function getDomain(){
var DNS = location.href;
DNS = DNS.split('//');
DNS = 'http://' + DNS[1].substr(0,DNS[1].indexOf("/"));
return DNS;
So When I print this in browser console it returns localhost:8080/myApp/{image_src}
However, When I open with gmail it looks quite different. it looks like...
<img src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/FVJ1IBTWmX0l0KPlNQVY_AkDsCL02O2Y_kZS7KACQlnXgfgNvNQvjBKpn9zIdPH84N_r-ulunXvzlMCVUOWsMG1WCjfYUFVX7VpjJ5OV5RdpV2ReZFjM9Yw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://localhost:8080/resources/gtl_portal/images/newsletter/ci.png" alt="ci" class="CToWUd">
Now I got questions like below :
How to change value things looks like. it is quite tricky, since it is embedded in style attribute.:
<td height="50px" style="background:url('/resources/images/newsletter/top_bg.png') repeat-x 0 0;padding:15px">
Thanks a lot :D bb
You cant include your external css like you do normally , but you can prefer the way of wrapping the styles in the inline way (in <head>
tag). So something like this,
<p class='bigFont' >Hi , i am bigger </p>
so this looks separate instead adding style attribute to your tags , you can also avoid some code by resusing .
AFAIK , for adding inline images Spring framework has very good documentation. It is supported widely by mail clients, an example,
FileSystemResource res = new FileSystemResource(new File("c:/Sample.jpg"));
helper.addInline("identifier1234", res);
so that you can simply use it as <img src='cid:identifier1234'>
For advanced templating options you can integrate your web app with Apache velocity, a templating library