I would like to store large amounts of lines of text into mysql. I've researched this, but i wasn't able to find an answer. Some of the answers I found include:
Create a varchar column and store all the text them there.
Read and write to a text file. That text file is located on a disk, and mysql keeps the path of that text file.
Read and write to a php file using an array. That php file is located on a disk, and mysql keeps the path of that php file.
But I'm not sure what are the pros and cons of each.
For my specific purpose, I would like to constantly add lines. This will eventually create a LARGE number of lines.
Line 1: Hello World...........
Line 2: Hello World...........
Line 3: Hello World...........
Line 4: Hello World...........
Line 50,450: Hello World......
What would be the most optimal solution - performance wise, if I were using php to read and write lines?
I would like to do something like:
Read and display the first ten lines. When the user presses the "more" button, the next ten lines of text would be read and displayed.
You might be looking for pagination
in php using a mysql query like SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT $start, $limit
Here is an example, this uses mysql_query, but you can substitute that with PDO. You can also use redis, if you want to cache your results, so that you don't have to query the database every-time.