Search code examples

captcha works fine in localhost but not in my hosting

captcha works good in my localhost usbwebserwer. In web serwer captcha image not showing. when open image in firefox see code:

ÿØÿàJFIFÿþ>CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v62), default quality ÿÛC    $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342ÿÛC  2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222ÿÀ(x"ÿÄ ÿĵ}!1AQa"q2‘¡#B±ÁRÑð$3br‚ %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyzƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚáâãäåæçèéêñòóôõö÷øùúÿÄ ÿĵw!1AQaq"2B‘¡±Á #3RðbrÑ $4á%ñ&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š’“”•–—˜™š¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª²³´µ¶·¸¹ºÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚâãäåæçèéêòóôõö÷øùúÿÚ?õ{¥Ãgieg§ìmNÞ8a¶É,aË’\)ùNðK|Äv‘Y“X˪¨ÚÜÛB-£•bx¥hB³ 1æo¼r褟˜°©5Ý&ÊËJ¶Õ, Ħ‚â@åZ G1rýÅR9þš²'K›h,®ôíÿe„ùÊЋ€Ê@Ü@VÄ[É*ÊÌJ3}ìŽè$õ‹þ¿«·Ü»iâ´i¦öm>í§G–cöh2°“ºÊã+Ø6rß=mÙjÚÌsMoyáÃ[2q9$ÈÇ;T« ¤6îBõÀ–íõ ¤–Ár]ÝÅŵ¯rñ’ª r2@áñÔ»tÒEoy¨Ío-¾£Ôb`æI¼éV6¨œ,­ƒ¹¹@¤ï;Y‰Ev³ûÄ™·M¨¾¡x.nÙ‘ÙÑ>Ð]b(~@#•q’¤3§Êq¸Ö$šd–1ßé–÷×+o:ÚÞ¢LŒxm¹Sµ6»+1'0, Œ·x}üS«Ú]\Zx²k1l‹Iµ ‘¤Y‚ \ð0@ÎXõé“ÇumðÒyn¼Eo¨kš\Žã‰s2±.̸+´àrªày§k…îo¾±¨é–ñÞI»)+^.õŒ‡ÚƒpÃm?6NßšµÛ¤‚IþÉ"”DIH…Ö±„aÃdnbNÔ<¥¸ç~\6¡áë«ínöîP—rEï{(³*9¾X±Ë$ãïgåÜ›M¹²»Õ--îÚÈFmä†ÞRüË‘4{¨ ÇÏÆìàäÏ,Sqc»µËúŽ¥¡CmG%º`É°¬Ä«$jåU3*î<© @ÒŠhçŒÇeªÃ1Œ$ûñîL[s¿ ˜yJŒ3ç ÀSæ6¾#·ŸÇm*£œÊ%žûS±- +¿$«K7‚GžÍtó©ÜØËka¤ÄâÜËöu%Šg#Ê @‘Ž¹â‰ÓJÉ°R¹½}z|w–6ØGiÓÉå¶ÐÊÛ‰\î8òÉwࣜTEå•õ¹â–9áO–A0ŒÆIhKd¬„Œœ8,\Œ¡h:-Œ’_Ì€ÆU/†ô*w`˜Â»pf ±n 2ƒE†“syT;eÈ‘ŒäžTœ’<Ö‰/õtoÊXeÒî´É'b‡toóR1¸‰$ÈCŸâÚÙ´5KúìKÜóøNóÅþ ¼ zÑVqPÆ¥¤c´þôƒ¼¯ ýÆÀ'öZ„5mË£~÷ê#co=¡Rˆ¬¤*ù­óù$ƒµ6’wgå5¾^\¯…­,¡B^MBYSæزmXò¥„ŠxÎHÚã;N®³Tׯ/í­5Ý;O™|¼D%V 䃂ü—8U_˜åˆSZÊsç²Ø„•Ó´¯XØj¶Öò^é±Z@×WVí#ÂdNÊÿÕÒé3Oâk½ìw×·©o4~h‘JÄK4ŒêGÝ#ävùMsÚÖ²ðëN&ôn n,UŽB…ÉrH+×vyÎk²ÑYð×ÂÝ_L¸Ògß-Ïï@ÚѸ*r¯=1‡çŽ7í¦ä#‘м=©êÞ Ôï-.ŒZ4"¥Ä걇pÎÁ€ªBž¤Ÿök¦ð=æ£ÿ«j—eo-l¦6–ñ^š.B’ 3†\ÚNÀg‚ ¹O…ZõìqÀЫÝFï4 ÁµÁØ œ,ƒ åˆQ€2iŸÙŸÃr[‰´˜Þ;.‰p±­Œå72°”$ð &Û¸ÒØåãðdòxí|+öØcˆQ<Ѽk“ð6°3ÐqÉ"½{ı\^økQÔ$±»‹PŽÎxå“dO´K0 å3† oâód„Ïû¶iI“ }ðF~SÂóŒƒCÂöžx‚êKe–ݨup) ®ÓÀ'-× }w[¢„h×rMm,ÂIÌAи?îÊnÙ¸àž‚Ê¸ÏÍŠ¬ÄŠ^ñ—ö^™áû=×(‘ÝÌ—& É Tpç3IÏnri|&Žy!Öu'6Èxƒ]Ïr}òÇÏ"í9aƒ†Î?ÁÙè]éÚíÔbVM0)BFYñÎËò«ž>\u"½Ÿáfœ–¾³êV³^Mæ#yJgV22(ÌAÜ« oñ¸ çYÆ1vëÿTnÙ¿¦ÝÜéÚEí¸¶½ÙG,¶Í$&$eRÌ»þD?À¹’ÞiÏ}¥^·ŠÞÒú{[};θTŽ|Ef±ÄŠTª†`œyy`‹EróÅ6ÜoøY÷ lÓ5t·?<vÕ2óæ@ù.!‚u¶9?u…[¤Ó^ßLÔ’HaÓ¢2¥±ù4„ã˜ÊìháŽåEEmëù e SÃÜÛI$:|¨îež8¬žXbF}æÄjHf%šNêMk‰î´ø>Ñ¥Ù[K¦ÊBºvÖÛ"ªà«ó`Pü¤½¸tRŠNMÙ=F—bÝÕ¬ïxñ4ùµdKHªù€ºC™U¼Ì…\ó‚pYy­s.£=šÄÚDÊR1=Éš}¹MÅBòpÛ~bëÈV%h¢³RÕÆDž¿¶‘-…ýíéÄ“òª‚ëóo@_rÎñ’¬AWªó˦è÷sD4…þÓR‰¹›#LJB’;t W9e'6ÇiEoJn£´»$–ÆÌwu©Ã;¼6qÞFÉ-µÄLî¨H 9)ó#iÛ÷Ü±&´f[ä™n­á2I+¥Ï”#qI‡FyóÕÁ!ˆ¢³Ý¤2–™!Ô,£xå[Avñ}¤ ˜MªûAåz¨íÚ~`]¨X]É«!¼¹Ó>Á4Ì­P«¾Ì!mÇsI’Tê:QE&í+!¥tC§ÙZ궖ªÑ[#‹P¢Ý ŠUŽDØ’Ì|°0~æA*jº´1³Ùÿiëˆäâ,†)nr<àåßÆÒ¤ÿt•V%¢Õ²KE{a|ÓÃr×PÜÀ²3B²yyEùOšXº®ÒAÕ™2QEJŠ–ã»[ÿÙ

Chrome calling: Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html

Here is code in my captcha:

 * @version     1.6.0
 * @package     Joomla
 * @subpackage  OS Membership
 * @author  Tuan Pham Ngoc
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Ossolution Team
 * @license     GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die();

class CaptchaSecurityImages

    function generateCode($characters)
        /* list all possible characters, similar looking characters and vowels have been removed */
        $possible = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz';
        $code = '';
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < $characters)
            $code .= substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible) - 1), 1);
        return $code;

    function CaptchaSecurityImages($width = '120', $height = '40', $characters = '6')
        $session = JFactory::getSession();
        $this->font = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/assets/font/monofont.ttf';
        $code = $this->generateCode($characters);
        /* font size will be 75% of the image height */
        $font_size = $height * 0.75;
        $image = imagecreate($width, $height) or die('Cannot initialize new GD image stream');
        /* set the colours */
        $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
        $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 20, 40, 100);
        $noise_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 100, 120, 180);
        /* generate random dots in background */
        for ($i = 0; $i < ($width * $height) / 3; $i++)
            imagefilledellipse($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), 1, 1, $noise_color);
        /* generate random lines in background */
        for ($i = 0; $i < ($width * $height) / 150; $i++)
            imageline($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $noise_color);
        /* create textbox and add text */
        $textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->font, $code) or die('Error in imagettfbbox function');
        $x = ($width - $textbox[4]) / 2;
        $y = ($height - $textbox[5]) / 2;
        imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $this->font, $code) or die('Error in imagettftext function');
        /* output captcha image to browser */
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        $session->set('osm_security_code', $code);

here HTML:

<div style="position:relative">
                <input type="text" class="inputbox input-mini" value="" size="8" name="security_code">
                    <img src="/rejestracja-enterprise-kwartalnie?task=show_captcha_image" title="Please enter the code you see in the image into Security code textbox" align="middle" id="captcha_image">
                    <a class="osm_reload" href="javascript:reloadCaptcha();"></a>


  • That is the image. You're just not telling your browser that it is, your browser interprets the data as text. Set a header to tell your browser to interpret the data as image:

    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

    The image data will have to be the only thing output on the page, no other HTML or text before or after it.

    Ref Link : php imagejpeg()

    Try This

    header( "Content-type: image/jpeg" ); 
    imagejpeg( $image, NULL, 100 );
    imagedestroy( $image );
    $i = ob_get_clean();
    echo "<img src='data:image/jpeg;base64," . base64_encode( $i )."'>"; //saviour line!