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Using Saved Game Service for non-game apps

I have an android (non-game) app that I want to implement cloud backup for. I've looked at the Backup API but found it limited as the actual backup and restore backend processes are controlled by the phone manufacture and Google. I also want to allow the user to manually backup and restore when they want.

There is the new Google Play Games Saved Game service which offers what I'm looking for but my app is not a game.

Has anyone implemented the Saved Game service for a non-game app and can offer some advice on it's suitability? Otherwise, does anyone know whether Google will allow this approach (using the game service for non-game app)?



  • It sounds like a better solution would be to use the Google Drive API. Specifically, the ability to store application data. From the developer doc:

    The 'Application Data folder' is a special folder that is only accessible by your application. Its content is hidden from the user, and from other apps. Despite being hidden from the user, the Application Data folder is stored on the user's Drive and therefore uses the user's Drive storage quota. The Application Data folder can be used to store configuration files, saved games data, or any other types of files that the user should not tamper with.
