I am using Bazinga Hateoas with Fosrest in one of my SF2 project.
In one of API call, I want to display link of friends with current user or user id supplied like this:
"_links": {
"self": { "href": "/users/1" },
"friends": [
{ "href": "/users/2" },
{ "href": "/users/3" },
I am using below code in Entity.User.yml file:
rel: self
route: api_1_get_users
id: expr(object.getId())
absolute: true
rel: expr(object.findFriends(object.getId()))
route: api_1_get_users
id: expr(object.getId())
absolute: true
I have put "findFriends" method in repository but its not accessible inside yml file. I guess this is not the correct way of doing things.
I have gone through https://github.com/willdurand/Hateoas but not able to figure out how to do it. Please guide me how I can achieve this...
Any help would be much appreciated !
Please guide me how I can achieve this
This is how you work with @RelationProvider.
* Note:
* ====
* RelationProvider takes the method name which returns the relations.
* @Hateoas\RelationProvider("addRelations")
class LinkContainingResource
public function addRelations($object, ClassMetadataInterface $classMetadata)
* Important Note:
* ===============
* Relation is actually an Hateoas\Configuration\Relation object,
* NOT \Hateoas\Configuration\Annotation\Relation
return [new Relation('relation_name', 'link1'),
new Relation('relation_name', 'link2'),
new Relation('relation_name', 'link3')];
Json/Hal Result:
"_links": {
"relation_name": [
{"href": "link1"},
{"href": "link2"},
{"href": "link3"}