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Marpa: Can I explicitly disallow keywords as identifiers?

I'm implementing a new DSL in Marpa and (coming from Regexp::Grammars) I'm more than satisfied. My language supports a bunch of unary and binary operators, objects with C-style identifiers and method calls using the familiar dot notation. For example:

foo.has(bar == 42 AND baz == 23)

I found the prioritized rules feature offered by Marpa's grammar description language and have come to rely on that a lot, so I have nearly only one G1 rule Expression. Excerpt (many alternatives, and semantic actions omitted for brevity):

Expression ::=
    | '(' Expression ')'             assoc => group
   || Expression ('.') Identifier
   || Expression ('.') Identifier Args
    | Expression ('==') Expression
   || Expression ('AND') Expression

Args     ::= ('(') ArgsList (')')
ArgsList ::= Expression+             separator => [,]

Identifier         ~ IdentifierHeadChar IdentifierBody
IdentifierBody     ~ IdentifierBodyChar*
IdentifierHeadChar ~ [a-zA-Z_]
IdentifierBodyChar ~ [a-zA-Z0-9_]

NumLiteral ~ [0-9]+

As you can see, I'm using the Scanless interface (SLIF). My problem is that this also parses, for example:


Marpa knows that there can only be an identifier after a dot, so it doesn't even consider the fact that AND might be a keyword. I know that I can avoid that problem by doing a separate lexing stage that identifies AND as a keyword explicitly, but that tiny papercut is not quite worth the effort.

Is there a way in SLIF to restrict the Identifier rule to non-keyword identifiers only?


  • I don't know how to express such a thing in the grammar. You can introduce an intermediate non-terminal for Identifier which would check the condition, though:

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use Syntax::Construct qw{ // };
    use Marpa::R2;
    my %reserved = map { $_ => 1 } qw( AND );
    my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new(
        { bless_package => 'main',
          source => \( << '__GRAMMAR__'),
    :default ::= action => store
    :start ::= S
    S ::= Id
      | Id NumLiteral
    Id ::= Identifier action => allowed
    Identifier         ~ IdentifierHeadChar IdentifierBody
    IdentifierBody     ~ IdentifierBodyChar*
    IdentifierHeadChar ~ [a-zA-Z_]
    IdentifierBodyChar ~ [a-zA-Z0-9_]
    NumLiteral ~ [0-9]+
    :discard ~ whitespace
    whitespace ~ [\s]+
    for my $value ('ABC', 'ABC 42', 'AND 1') {
        my $value = $grammar->parse(\$value, 'main');
        print $$value, "\n";
    sub store {
        my (undef, $id, $arg) = @_;
        $arg //= 'null';
        return "$id $arg";
    sub allowed {
        my (undef, $id) = @_;
        die "Reserved keyword $id" if $reserved{$id};
        return $id