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Hammer.js: Swipe event not working on images

I'm using hammer.js for gesture functionality on my web application. I have used it to swipe a video element and it works perfect as expected. However, when I apply the following code to an image element it's not working.

App.Views.Photo = Backbone.View.extend({
template  : template('photoTemplate'),
className : 'photo',
parent    : null,

events: {
    'swipe' : 'swiped',
    // 'pan'    : 'dragged'


swiped: function(e) {


This exact same code is working for the video elements but not for the images. I also tried doing e.gesture.preventDefault(); inside the swiped function but that didn't work either. I'm testing the application on firefox at the moment.

Any help will be appreciated.


[EDIT]: I'm initializing the hammer code as follows

render: function() {

    $(this.el).attr('id', this.model.attributes._id);
    this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );


    return this;


  • Ok, so after banging my head on this problem for weeks I finally got the answer.

    in the initialize function I placed the following code

    $('img').on('dragstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); });

    So it looks like this

    initialize: function(opts) {
        this.parent = opts.parent;
        $('img').on('dragstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); });

    What this does is that it prevents the image from being dragged like default and that did the trick.

    And now on swipe the image gets removed like I wanted.

    [EDIT] If you have multiple images on the page add this to the event like

    this.$('img').on('dragstart', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); });

    This will apply to all of the picture that are rendered with that view.