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Scanning using nTwain

I do perform a scan using nTwain lib from NuGet. I catch the DataTransferred event to save the result image. What I have in a result is some ImageInfo and null byte[] massive of information.

Is anyone aware of this library and can tell me if I am doing something wrong?

void session_DataTransferred(object sender, NTwain.DataTransferredEventArgs e)
  Image img = ImageFromBytes(e.MemoryData);

But the e comes only with ImageInfo.


Argument screenshot if useful ...

enter image description here


  • For NTwain, you should have more than just ImageInfo for that event. Specifically, e should have ImageInfo, MemData, and NativeData as you are showing in the screenshot.

    I haven't done a whole lot with it but what I do in a console utility is to check if e.NativeData != IntPtr.Zero and pull a bitmap from the DIB pointer (Windows, it is a TIFF for Linux) . For this purpose, I am using another dependency CommonWin32.dll. I believe this is a similar method to the examples included in NTwain's starting solution package (look under Tests for a sample Console, WinForm, and WPF project).

    If I want to save out a different file type, I do a encoding at that point. You can save a System.Drawing.Image with a given encoding. Obviously, that could be alot better (set the type and compression to make the transfer smaller) but it is a working example.

    if (e.NativeData != IntPtr.Zero)
        Bitmap img = null;
        if (this._commands.CheckForDebug())
            Console.WriteLine("Image data transferred.");
        //Need to save out the data.
        img = e.NativeData.GetDrawingBitmap();
        if (img != null)
             string fileName = "RandomFileName.";
             string fileType = this._commands.GetFileType();
             switch (fileType)
                 case "png":
                    fileName += "png";
                    ImageExtensions.SavePNG(img, fileName, 50L);
                 case "jpeg":
                    fileName += "jpeg";
                    ImageExtensions.SaveJPEG(img, fileName, 50L);
                    fileName += "png";
                    ImageExtensions.SavePNG(img, fileName, 50L);
    public static void SaveJPEG(Image img, string filePath, long quality)
            var encoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
            encoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality,   quality);
            img.Save(filePath, GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg), encoderParameters);