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Change a function at one point

I have two elements f : X -> bool and x : X.

How to define g : X -> bool such g x = true and g y = f y for y != x.


  • Following your answer to my comment, I don't think you can define a "function" g, because you need a constructive way do distinguish x from other instances of type X. However you could define a relation between the two, which could be transformed into a function if you get decidability. Something like:

    Parameter X : Type.
    Parameter f : X -> bool.
    Parameter x : X.
    Inductive gRel : X -> bool -> Prop :=
      | is_x : gRel x true
      | is_not_x : forall y: X, y <> x -> gRel y (f y)
    Definition gdec (h: forall a b: X, {a = b}+{a <> b}) : X -> bool :=
      fun a => if h a x then true else f a.
    Lemma gRel_is_a_fun: (forall a b: X, {a = b}+{a <> b}) ->
      exists g : X -> bool, forall a, gRel a (g a).
    intro hdec.
    exists (gdec hdec); unfold gdec.
    intro a; destruct (hdec a x).
    now subst; apply is_x.
    now apply is_not_x.