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Testing sp_send_dbmail

Does anyone know if there is a way to setup sql server to send all mail to one specific email address rather than what has been passed into sp_send_dbmail?

I ask as I need to verify what is going to be sent on a system that has customer email addresses and I don't want to actually send the email but rather check the contents.

The customer occasionally go onto this system to test certain things out which may trigger emails. At the moment these email are not sent out to anyone as the system is not setup for mail. I want this to stay the same but instead send all these mails to an internal email address. I don't know all the code that sends emails as there are approx. 3000 stored procedures in this system.

I have been searching on-line but can only find how to setup email.


  • If you're just looking to verify what will be sent, you can query the msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems table:

    SELECT  *
    FROM    msdb.dbo.sysmail_mailitems

    This table holds the recipients, subject, body, format, query, sent_date, from_address, reply_to, and some other fields. I also suspect, though I haven't test, that if you updated that table to a new recipient email address that you could send them to the one address as you've requested above.