Or, How can I set the default image for a video without editing the Media Entry?
I want to specify a specific video second for a thumbnail, or provide my own URL within the HTML. By providing the player a url like:
And then being able to dynamically set the vid_sec
Normally, one would set what Kaltura calls 'Default Thumbnail' through the KMC,
By either the gui: Content->Entries->(edit entry)->Thumbnails->Add Thumbnail
Or by API call: https://www.kaltura.com/api_v3/testmeDoc/index.php?service=media&action=updatethumbnail
But both of these methods involve editing the Media Entry on the server.
I need to be able to set the image shown before the play button is pressed within the flashvars, javascript, or html so I can maintain it in a template instead of on the KMC.
I've tried setting:
<span itemprop="thumbnail" content="(thumbnail url)"></span>
which doesn't seem to work.
I've also put both 'thumbnailURL' and 'thumbnail' within flashvars, and that didn't do it either.
"targetId": "kaltura_player_1413399902",
"wid": "_XXXX",
"uiconf_id": xxxxxxx,
"flashvars": {'thumbnailUrl': "URL OF THUMBNAIL"},
"cache_st": 1413399902,
"entry_id": "1_XXXXXXXX"
We added to the latest version thumbnailUrl param which you can define on your embed code.
"targetId": "kaltura_player",
"wid": "_1281471",
"uiconf_id": 27119341,
"flashvars": {
"thumbnailUrl": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Double-alaskan-rainbow.jpg"
"cache_st": 1416828471,
"entry_id": "1_d5o9twuk"
http://jsfiddle.net/itayKinnrot/0wpnhawt/ <-- Exmaple