I'm struggling to find a solution to this, having tried many options.
My ideal goal is to be able to screenshot
First attempt (using selenium-webdriver with chromedriver installed)
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
driver.get url
This works to a degree, but the screenshot is trimmed to a maximum height (which looks like a very old issue with Chromedriver https://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=294)
Second attempt (using poltergeist to switch to phantomjs instead)
gem 'capybara'
gem 'poltergeist'
require "capybara/dsl"
require "capybara/poltergeist"
Capybara.run_server = false
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|
Capybara::Poltergeist::Driver.new(app, {
# Raise JavaScript errors to Ruby
js_errors: true,
# Additional command line options for PhantomJS
phantomjs_options: ['--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--ssl-protocol=any'],
Capybara.current_driver = :poltergeist
class Screenshot
include Capybara::DSL
# Captures a screenshot of +url+ saving it to +path+.
def capture(url, path)
# Open page
visit url
if page.driver.status_code == 200
page.driver.save_screenshot(path, :full => true)
puts "screenshot saved"
# Handle error
puts "there was a problem #{page.driver.status_code}"
screenshot = Screenshot.new
screenshot.capture url, "screenshot.png"
This has different problems,
Third Attempt (using Capybara to try to take advantage of page.save_screenshot(path, :full => true))
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
gem 'capybara'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require "capybara/dsl"
Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app|
Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new(app, :browser => :chrome)
Capybara.current_driver = :chrome
class Screenshot
include Capybara::DSL
# Captures a screenshot of +url+ saving it to +path+.
def capture(url, path)
# Open page
visit url
page.save_screenshot(path, :full => true)
puts "screenshot saved"
screenshot = Screenshot.new
screenshot.capture url, "screenshot.png"
Short version - this doesn't help
Fourth Attempt (Using Watir)
gem 'watir-webdriver'
require 'watir-webdriver'
b = Watir::Browser.new
b.goto url
b.screenshot.save 'screenshot.png'
This works (launches Firefox), but has the same issue over DevicePixelRatio for the ability to take a retina screenshot.
Fifth attempt (back to using Chrome)
require 'watir-webdriver'
b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
b.goto url
b.screenshot.save './tmp/watir.png'
Straight back to the cropped page issue.
Ideally I think that there may be a way to achieve this using the mobile emulation options of the latest ChromeDriver v2.12
Specifying Individual Device Attributes
It is also possible to enable Mobile Emulation by specifying individual attributes. To enable Mobile Emulation this way, the “mobileEmulation” dictionary can contain a “deviceMetrics” dictionary and a “userAgent” string. The following device metrics must be specified in the “deviceMetrics” dictionary: “width” - the width in pixels of the device’s screen “height” - the height in pixels of the device’s screen “pixelRatio” - the device’s pixel ratio
But haven't managed to get it working.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated thanks!
As this question hasn't been answered by anyone else I thought I'd outline the solution that I used to get as close to the ideal as possible.
Ultimately until these issues with phantom JS are solved
it appears the only driver capable of ensuring a full height screenshot is the Firefox driver.
Although it doesn't support retina using device pixels for my purposes I was able to transform using CSS the scale to 200% and the majority of elements (except bitmap images) are accurate.
For a working example of screen capturing a specific tweet at retina resolution in Ruby see here : https://github.com/chrism/twitter-screenshot