<action name="PDF" class="OwnerDetail" method="createPDF">
<result name="success" type="stream">
<param name="contentType">application/pdf</param>
<param name="inputName">inputStream</param>
<param name="contentDisposition">attachment;filename="RegistrationSummaryReport.pdf"</param>
<param name="bufferSize">1024</param>
The above code generates PDF as an attachment. But I need to open the PDF in a new window. Kindly provide your suggestions
You need to change the contentDisposition
. This is an HTTP header, so this is needed when using other technologies than Struts2 too (Servlets, for example).
Content-Disposition has two main values that are interesting for your case:
: asks the user which is the action needed between downloading the file, or opening it with a Desktop application.
(default): tries opening the file in a new tab (or window) with a browser plugin. If a plugin is not found for that Content-Type, it asks the user to choose a Desktop application for opening it.
Then you need simply:
<param name="contentDisposition">
or just
<param name="contentDisposition">
As suggested in a comment by @BrunoLowagie, I may have omitted an important part.
While it's true that you need inline
to open the document in the browser, it's also true that a further step (that I've taken for granted, while it may be not) is needed to open that document in another Tab/Window instead that on the current one, : you need to call the action by specifying the target
attribute, or by using javascript window.open()
<s:url var="myUrl" action="downloadPdf" namespace="/foobar" />
<!-- In a new Tab/Window without javascript -->
<s:a href="%{myUrl} target="_blank">
<!-- In a new Tab/Window with javascript -->
<s:a href="javascript:window.open('%{myUrl}');>
Read more on this related answer.