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Push notifications on Xamarin IOS

we're developing a cross platform(ios and android) app on Xamarin using Xamarin.Forms. We've managed to get the same application working on IOS and Android. Great!

We would like to include push notifications in our app and this already works in Android. For IOS however, it's a completely different story.. No bare bones library to be found, Anywhere!!

For android we used the Google Cloud Messaging Client by Redth, this libary is so easy to use. We had it running in 2 hours or less. However, Nothing to be found anything like this for IOS.

How do i register my IOS device for push notifications in xamarin? We already have the right certificates, etc. its only the device side we need to get working. Something to point me in the right direction?


  • Use this push notification link for getting or enabling push notification services in IOS.

    You will need to do following steps:

    1> Create and download SSL and APNS certificates and push notification enabled provisioning profile.

    2> First double click on SSL certificates than APNS certificates than provisioning profile.

    3.> Now export p12 file from key-chain access and create PEM file from command prompt.

    4> Now Register for push notification within FinishedLaunching.

    5.> Run your program , You will get a device token and send it to the server.

    Now APNS server would send this notification respective to the token.