I have a file test.txt
that contains :
1 1:? 1:0 0.762
2 1:? 2:1 0.754
3 1:? 2:1 0.848
4 1:? 1:0 1
5 1:? 2:1 0.851
In the third column, I try to retrieve the number after : and according to its value, I have to apply a different calculation on the last column. If it is a 0 then I have to return the value in column 4 by subtracting 1. And if it is a 1, then I have to return the value of the column 4.
I can retrieve the number after the : with the following command:
awk '{print $3}' test.txt | cut -d: -f 2
But I don't know how to continue. How can I do that?
awk 'split($3,a,":"){print a[2]?$4:$4-1}' file
or if you still want other field
awk 'split($3,a,":"){$4=a[2]?$4:$4-1}1' file
or even
awk 'split($3,a,":")&&!a[2]{$4--}1' file
Only $4
awk '{$0=$4-($3~/:0$/)}1' file
awk '{$4-=($3~/:0$/)}1' file