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Not able to get SSAS specific performance counter categories with c#

I want to retrieve Performance counters of SSAS Service. I can see these counters, distributed into multiple categories in my perfmon. Also I have checked my registry key and found these counters. But I am not able to retrieve these counters with C#.

Here is the sample code snippet that I am using-

foreach (PerformanceCounterCategory pcc in PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories())
     if (pcc.CategoryName.StartsWith("MSOLAP"))


In my Perfmon I can see Counter Categories as

  • MSOLAP$Marsh:Connection
  • MSOLAP$Marsh:Locks
  • MSOLAP$Marsh:Memory etc.

Is it possible to see two different list of counters at two places i.e in perfmon & in C# (PerformanceCounterCategory class)

Is there any Existing WMI class for SSAS which can be used to retrieve these counters.


  • SSAS on a 64bit environment installs only the 64bit counter's library so, if you run your code from a 32bit application or you are using 32bit version of Windows PerfMon, you can not access those counters.

    On a 64-bit platform you have both versions of Windows Perfmon.

    • 32bit -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\perfmon.exe
    • 64bit -> C:\Windows\System32\perfmon.exe

    The solution is to build your application using x64 as the target platform.