I have 2 situations where I want a relationship to be destroyed. 1. when an active relationship is deleted 2. when a passive relationship is deleted.
At the moment each situation works on it's own. But when I try to set it up so either work at the same time I get an active record error. It's something to do with the destroy method not being able to find the relationship for the params[:id] in both occurrences. maybe it's how i'm using the || operator?
At the moment, if I try to delete a passive relationship it works. but then if i try to delete an active one I get the active record error shown below:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in RelationshipsController#destroy
Couldn't find Relationship with 'id'=1 [WHERE "relationships"."followed_id" = ?]
If I change the code so def destroy has active before passive:
@relationship = current_user.active_relationships.find(params[:id]) || current_user.passive_relationships.find(params[:id])
then the active_relationship delete works, but the passive_relationship delete returns the active record issue. (this time with:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in RelationshipsController#destroy
Couldn't find Relationship with 'id'=1 [WHERE "relationships"."follower_id" = ?]
how do i let it know it's ok if
@relationship = current_user.active_relationships.find(params[:id]) || current_user.passive_relationships.find(params[:id]
only finds one of the relationships using the id provided?
relationships/edit: (VIEW)
<% if @active_relationship %>
<% if @active_relationship.pending? %>
<%= form_for @active_relationship, url: relationship_path(@active_relationship), method: :delete do |form| %>
<%= submit_tag "Delete Request", class: 'btn btn-danger' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @passive_relationship %>
<% if @passive_relationship.pending? %>
<%= form_for @passive_relationship, url: relationship_path(@passive_relationship), method: :delete do |form| %>
<%= submit_tag "Decline Relationship", class: 'btn btn-danger' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
relationship controller:
def destroy
@relationship = current_user.passive_relationships.find(params[:id]) || current_user.active_relationships.find(params[:id])
if @relationship.destroy
flash[:success] = "Relationship destroyed"
redirect_to root_path
Try this way.
Create a method in your app/models/user.rb(User
def find_by_passive_or_active_relatioship(id)
passive_relationships.where(id: id).first || active_relationships.where(id: id).first
then in your controller:
def destroy
@relationship = current_user.find_by_passive_or_active_relatioship(params[:id])
if @relationship.try(:destroy)
flash[:success] = "Relationship destroyed"
flash[:error] = 'Relationship can be destroyed at the moment. Try again.'
redirect_to root_path
You can use, find_by
method instead of where(id: id)
, depending on your Rails version.
raises RecordNotFound
exception if it doesn't find the resource, while where().first
or find_by
methods don't.