I'm having problem with changing header of the Hub Control in Windows Universal app. I'm attaching screenshots so you would be able to see how it looks like.
As you can see at screenshot I changed header text to "Test Header" in XAML and I can see all changes in VS Designer. Problem is when I compile the app and deploy it on device or emulator because than header still contains default text "application name"...
What am I doing wrong?? I tried to creat new project, I was searching for "application name" string or some binding in my project but with no luck... :( Please help guys because I'm struggling with this for a few days now and I have no idea what to do.
Thanks in advance! Regards!
Remove the x:Uid="Hub"
from the Hub control.
<Hub x:Name="Hub" Header="Test Header"/>
That way it won't redirect all your strings to the Strings\en-US\Resources.resw
file (it is part of the shared project)
If you want to keep it in, then just edit that file and rename the key to anything you like.