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What exactly is the kind "*" in Haskell?

In Haskell, (value-level) expressions are classified into types, which can be notated with :: like so: 3 :: Int, "Hello" :: String, (+ 1) :: Num a => a -> a. Similarly, types are classified into kinds. In GHCi, you can inspect the kind of a type expression using the command :kind or :k:

> :k Int
Int :: *
> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
> :k Either
Either :: * -> * -> *
> :k Num
Num :: * -> Constraint
> :k Monad
Monad :: (* -> *) -> Constraint

There are definitions floating around that * is the kind of "concrete types" or "values" or "runtime values." See, for example, Learn You A Haskell. How true is that? We've had a few questions about kinds that address the topic in passing, but it'd be nice to have a canonical and precise explanation of *.

What exactly does * mean? And how does it relate to other more complex kinds?

Also, do the DataKinds or PolyKinds extensions change the answer?


  • First off, * is not a wildcard! It's also typically pronounced "star."

    Bleeding edge note: There is as of Feb. 2015 a proposal to simplify GHC's subkind system (in 7.12 or later). That page contains a good discussion of the GHC 7.8/7.10 story. Looking forward, GHC may drop the distinction between types and kinds, with * :: *. See Weirich, Hsu, and Eisenberg, System FC with Explicit Kind Equality.

    The Standard: A description of type expressions.

    The Haskell 98 report defines * in this context as:

    The symbol * represents the kind of all nullary type constructors.

    In this context, "nullary" simply means that the constructor takes no parameters. Either is binary; it can be applied to two parameters: Either a b. Maybe is unary; it can be applied to one parameter: Maybe a. Int is nullary; it can be applied to no parameters.

    This definition is a little bit incomplete on its own. An expression containing a fully-applied unary, binary, etc. type constructor also has kind *, e.g. Maybe Int :: *.

    In GHC: Something that contains values?

    If we poke around the GHC documentation, we get something closer to the "can contain a runtime value" definition. The GHC Commentary page "Kinds" states that "'*' is the kind of boxed values. Things like Int and Maybe Float have kind *." The GHC user's guide for version 7.4.1, on the other hand, stated that * is the kind of "lifted types". (That passage wasn't retained when the section was revised for PolyKinds.)

    Boxed values and lifted types are a bit different. According to the GHC Commentary page "TypeType",

    A type is unboxed iff its representation is other than a pointer. Unboxed types are also unlifted.

    A type is lifted iff it has bottom as an element. Closures always have lifted types: i.e. any let-bound identifier in Core must have a lifted type. Operationally, a lifted object is one that can be entered. Only lifted types may be unified with a type variable.

    So ByteArray#, the type of raw blocks of memory, is boxed because it is represented as a pointer, but unlifted because bottom is not an element.

    > undefined :: ByteArray#
    Error: Kind incompatibility when matching types:
       a0 :: *
       ByteArray# :: #

    Therefore it appears that the old User's Guide definition is more accurate than the GHC Commentary one: * is the kind of lifted types. (And, conversely, # is the kind of unlifted types.)

    Note that if types of kind * are always lifted, for any type t :: * you can construct a "value" of sorts with undefined :: t or some other mechanism to create bottom. Therefore even "logically uninhabited" types like Void can have a value, i.e. bottom.

    So it seems that, yes, * represents the kind of types that can contain runtime values, if undefined is your idea of a runtime value. (Which isn't a totally crazy idea, I don't think.)

    GHC Extensions?

    There are several extensions which liven up the kind system a bit. Some of these are mundane: KindSignatures lets us write kind annotations, like type annotations.

    ConstraintKinds adds the kind Constraint, which is, roughly, the kind of the left-hand side of =>.

    DataKinds lets us introduce new kinds besides * and #, just as we can introduce new types with data, newtype, and type.

    With DataKinds every data declaration (terms and conditions may apply) generates a promoted kind declaration. So

     data Bool = True | False

    introduces the usual value constructor and type name; additionally, it produces a new kind, Bool, and two types: True :: Bool and False :: Bool.

    PolyKinds introduces kind variables. This just a way to say "for any kind k" just like we say "for any type t" at the type level. As regards our friend * and whether it still means "types with values", I suppose you could say a type t :: k where k is a kind variable could contain values, if k ~ * or k ~ #.