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responsive image with maphilight.js

My images stop being responsive after I enable maphilight.

First I made the imagemaps responsive with rwdImageMaps.js, works fine. But after I enable maphilight the images themselves stop being responsive. (The imagemaps stay responsive though.)

From chrome inspect: without maphilight, With maphilight.

You can see that maphilight.js changes the image with from 100%, responsive to a div with a fixed with and height. How can I make the image / div responsive again? (I also tried ImageMapster but that resulted in the same issue.)

Can somebody help me solve this? Thanks in advance! ;)


  • Please check this link. Responsive image maps with roll-overs

    Please also note that you might need to reduce the opacity of your image if it's not transparent, for the solution to work properly