Is it possible to use one of the parsing libraries (e.g. Parsec
) for parsing something different than a String? And how would I do this?
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume the input is a list of ints [Int]
. The task could be
, where S
is a number less than 10, and L
is a number larger or equal to ten.(Int,Int)
, where fst
is the product of the S
and snd
is the product of the L
integersIt would be great if someone could show how to write such a parser (or something similar).
Yes, as user5402 points out, Parsec
can parse any instance of Stream
, including arbitrary lists. As there are no predefined token parsers (as there are for text) you have to roll your own, (myToken
below) using e.g. tokenPrim
The only thing I find a bit awkward is the handling of "source positions". SourcePos
is an abstract type (rather than a type class) and forces me to use its "filename/line/column" format, which feels a bit unnatural here.
Anyway, here is the code (without the skipping of leading zeroes, for brevity)
import Text.Parsec
myToken :: (Show a) => (a -> Bool) -> Parsec [a] () a
myToken test = tokenPrim show incPos $ justIf test where
incPos pos _ _ = incSourceColumn pos 1
justIf test x = if (test x) then Just x else Nothing
small = myToken (< 10)
large = myToken (>= 10)
smallLargePattern = do
smallints <- many1 small
largeints <- many1 large
let prod = foldl1 (*)
return (prod smallints, prod largeints)
myIntListParser :: Parsec [Int] () [(Int,Int)]
myIntListParser = many smallLargePattern
testMe :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
testMe xs = case parse myIntListParser "your list" xs of
Left err -> error $ show err
Right result -> result
Trying it all out:
*Main> testMe [1,2,55,33,3,5,99]
*Main> testMe [1,2,55,33,3,5,99,1]
*** Exception: "your list" (line 1, column 9):
unexpected end of input
Note the awkward line/column format in the error message
Of course one could write a function sanitiseSourcePos :: SourcePos -> MyListPosition