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"non-numeric argument to binary operator" error from getReturns

For some reason, a code I usually run in Rstudios is no longer working. I'm hoping that someone has had a similar experience and understands what's going on.

getReturns(c('C','BAC'), start='2004-01-01', end='2008-12-31')

This results in:

Error in unclass(e1) + unclass(e2) : 
non-numeric argument to binary operator

I can't find anything online nor on stackoverflow that addresses this issue. Also, I saw that the most recent documentation, from July 2014 doesn't mention anything either:

Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?


  • It's probably a function name clash issue. Running

    timeSeries::getReturns(c('C','BAC'), start='2004-01-01', end='2008-12-31')

    gives me the error, but running

    stockPortfolio::getReturns(c('C','BAC'), start='2004-01-01', end='2008-12-31')

    works fine.

    How did this happen?

    You must have loaded the stockPortfolio package, and then loaded either timeSeries or another package that depends upon timeSeries. Have a look through your console for a message that looks like

    The following object is masked from ‘package:stockPortfolio’:

    Use the double colon operator (as shown above) to explicitly tell R which package to look in.