I have returned a list of 1000 nodes in neo4j. I want to cross this list with itself so that I can create relationships between all pairwise combinations. In sql I would simply use a cross join. Is there an equivalent function/process that would allow me to do the same in neo4j.
My first approach was to do the following:
WITH count(b) AS GlobalBasketCount
WITH n,count(b) AS nBasketCount,GlobalBasketCount
WHERE nBasketCount > 0.001*GlobalBasketCount
WITH m,count(b) AS mBasketCount,n,nBasketCount,GlobalBasketCount
WHERE mBasketCount > 0.001*GlobalBasketCount AND m.id < n.id
WITH m,n,r,nBasketCount,mBasketCount
SET r.BasketCountProduct = nBasketCount*mBasketCount
However, this requires the same product list to be created 1001 times via match queries, which is very inefficient.
Side Note: The
m.id < n.id
is to prevent duplicate pairs.
Try this:
MATCH (n:Foo)
WITH collect(n) as nodes
UNWIND nodes as n1
UNWIND nodes as n2
WITH n1,n2
WHERE id(n1) < id(n2)