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Batch file to allow encrypt and decrypt capital letters for this code

i want this code to be able to encrypt the capital letters because when i add capital letters it will be encrypted like the small letters

this is the code

encryption code

decryption code


  • You have to make a loop with an IF test to check if the char is lower or upper case :

    Example :

    @echo off
    ::The string to Encrypt
    set "$string=aBA baB"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /l %%i in (0,1,9000) do (
       set char=!$string:~%%i,1!
          if "!char!"==" " set char=#
          if defined char (
    REM here the tests and substitutions
             if !char!==a set "char=!char:a=[aSmall]!"
             if !char!==A set "char=!char:A=[ACapital]!"
             if !char!==b set "char=!char:b=[bSmall]!"
             if !char!==B set "char=!char:B=[BCapital]!"
             set "$final=!$final!!char!"
    echo %$String% --^> !$final:#= !