How can I define in Prolog the rule to calculate the digit sum of an integer?
digitsum[Integer, Result] :- ...
so that the query digitsum(123, X).
results in X = 6
(=1+2+3). A solution running under SWI-Prolog is appreciated.
This problem naturally leads to an implementation using library(clpfd)
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digitsum(Z,S) :-
Z #= 0,
S #= 0.
digitsum(Z0, S0) :-
Z0 #> 0, S0 #> 0,
S0 #= Z0 mod 10 + S1,
Z1 #= Z0 // 10, % should be rather div
digitsum(Z1, S1).
?- digitsum(D,S).
D = S, S = 0
; D = S, S in 1..9
; D in 10..99, D/10#=_A, D mod 10#=_B,
_A in 1..9, _B+_A#=S, _B in 0..9, S in 1..18
; ... .
The first answer is about zero. The second says that a number 1..9 is the same as its sum. Then it talks about the numbers 10..99 etc.