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Adding scoring system to a number guessing game including play again

I have my game working fine now but I still want to take it further. I want to have a point scoring system included. I want the player to score 5 points if they have 1 live left when they win, 10 if they have 2 and 15 if they have all 3. But I don't want the score to be reset if they play again I just want it to say when the quit the game you have scored " " points. I have tried to do this in many different ways but I can seem to get it work it resets the score every time press y on the play again. I've included my base game code below please try and help. Any other recomendations for this game are very welcome.

**My apologies I don't know if I made this clear enough before. I don't want the score to be stored after the programs closed just until the player presses n when asked to play again **

#imports required modules
import random

#correct number variable created
num = 0

#generates number at random
comp_num = random.randint(1,10)

print('I\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')

#main game code
def main():
    #generates number at random
    comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
    #set num as a global variable
    global num
    #lives created
    lives = 3
    while lives >= 1:
        #player guesses
        guess = int(input('Guess: '))
        if comp_num == guess:
            #if correct says well done
            print('\nWell Done! You guessed Correctly!\n')
        elif comp_num >= guess:
            #if guess is too low tells player
            #one live taken for incorrect guess
            lives = lives -1
            print('\nToo low!\n')
            #player is told how many lives they have left
            print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
            if lives == 0:
                    #if player guesses incorrectly they get told the correct awnser
                    print('The number I was thinking of was...',comp_num,'!\n')
        elif comp_num <= guess:
            #if guess is too high tells player
            #one live taken for incorrect guess
            lives = lives -1
            print('\nToo high!\n')
            #player is told how many lives they have left
            print('You guessed incorrectly. You have',lives,'live(s) remaining.\n')
            if lives == 0:
                    #if player guesses incorrectly they get told the correct awnser
                    print('The number I was thinking of was...',comp_num,'!\n')

def end():
    #asks player if they want to play again
    play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
    while play_again.lower() == 'y':
        #if they do game resets and plays again
        if play_again.lower() == 'y':
            comp_num = random.randint(1,10)
            print('\nI\'m thinking of a number guess what it is...\n')
            play_again = input('Would you like to play again?[Y/N] ')
            if play_again.lower() == 'n':
    if play_again.lower() == 'n':
        #if they don't game ends
        input('Ok, Press enter to exit')

#calls main section of game

#calls end of game to give option of playing again and reseting game


  • Use this pattern:

    def game():  # Play a single game.
      lives = 3
      return 5 * lives  # Return the score of the game.
    def ask_again():
      print 'Play again?'
      answer = ...
      return answer == 'y'  # Return True iff the user wants to play again.
    def main():
      score = game()
      while ask_again():
        score += game()
      print score