I need to write an AppleScript so that it will open QuickTime Player, play the movie from the specific file, and set it to loop in full screen. Help please I am a noob at writing AppleScripts.
This is what I have so far but it does not seem to work. :(
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open file "Macintosh HDN:Users:lalayana:Downloads:TV Master Keynote.m4v"
set the looping of movie 1 to true
play movie 1
end tell
The easiest way to do it is probably to assign the value returned by open file
to a variable, and then tell that variable (that is, tell that movie) to do what it needs to do.
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set theMovie to open file "Macintosh HDN:Users:lalayana:Downloads:TV Master Keynote.m4v"
tell theMovie
set the presenting to true
set the looping to true
end tell
--use this to see what properties can be modified
--get the properties of theMovie
end tell
You can uncomment get the properties of theMovie
to see what properties are available to modify.
If that doesn’t work for you, you’ll also need to specify exactly what you mean by “it does not seem to work”. That is, what error occurs, if an error occurs, or what happens differently than what you expect. I’ve verified that the above does work with a movie on my end.