I wrote a program in python(I'm a beginner still) that converts a date from numbers to words using dictionaries. The program is like this:
dictionary_1 = { 1:'first', 2:'second'...}
dictionary_2 = { 1:'January', 2:'February',...}
and three other more for tens, hundreds, thousands;
In main I have:
a_random_date = raw_input("Enter a date: ")
(I've chosen raw_input for special chars. between numbers such as: 21/11/2014 or 21-11-2014 or 21.11.2014, only these three) and after verifying if it's a valid date I do not know nor did I find how to call upon the dictionaries to convert the date into words, when I run the program I want at the output for example if I typed 1/1/2015: first/January/two thousand fifteen. And I would like to apply the program to a text document to seek the dates and convert them from numbers to words if it is possible. Thank you!
You can split that date in list and then check if there is that date in dictionary like this:
import re
dictionary_1 = { 1:'first', 2:'second'}
dictionary_2 = { 1:'January', 2:'February'}
dictionary_3 = { 1996:'asd', 1995:'asd1'}
input1 = raw_input("Enter date:")
lista = re.split(r'[.\/-]', input1)
print "lista: ", lista
day = lista[0]
month = lista[1]
year = lista[2]
everything_ok = False
if dictionary_1.get(int(day)) != None:
day_print = dictionary_1.get(int(day))
everything_ok = True
print "There is no such day"
if dictionary_2.get(int(month)) != None:
month_print = dictionary_2.get(int(month))
everything_ok = True
print "There is no such month"
everything_ok = False
if dictionary_3.get(int(year)) != None:
year_print = dictionary_3.get(int(year))
everything_ok = True
print "There is no such year"
everything_ok = False
if everything_ok == True:
print "Date: ", day_print, "/", month_print, "/", year_print #or whatever format
This is the output:
Enter date:1/2/1996
Date: first / February / asd
I hope this helps you.