I have created a simple graph search from an example
move(math101, math102).
move(math101, chem101).
move(math102, math210).
move(math102, phys102).
move(phys102, phys201).
move(math210, phys201).
search(A, A, [A]).
search(A, B, [A|Path]) :-
I can tell you that to get to 'phys201' from 'math101' you need to pass through 'math102' and 'math210' or 'math102' and'phys102'
I am trying to prove this in prolog but its not working, I think it may have something to do with the query i am typing
Or is it something in my code, I have traced the path and it keeps binning out with a No result
The trace is
[1]CALL: search(math101, phys201, [math101])
[1]FOUND: search(_4193470, _15353627, [_4193470|_14830180]):-move(_4193470, _8522358), search(_8522358, _15353627, _14830180).
[1]BIND: search(math101, phys201, [math101])
[2]CALL: move(math101, _10259988)
[2]FOUND: move(math101, math102).
[2]BIND: move(math101, math102)
[3]CALL: search(math102, phys201, [])
[3]FAIL: search(math102, phys201, [])
[2]REDO: move(math101, math102)
[4]CALL: move(math101, _10259988)
[4]FOUND: move(math101, chem101).
[4]BIND: move(math101, chem101)
[5]CALL: search(chem101, phys201, [])
[5]FAIL: search(chem101, phys201, [])
[4]REDO: move(math101, chem101)
[6]CALL: move(math101, _10259988)
[6]FAIL: move(math101, _10259988)
[1]REDO: search(math101, phys201, [math101])
Please help
as you suppose, your query is the problem: try
?- search(math101,phys201,X).
X = [math101, math102, math210, phys201] ;
X = [math101, math102, phys102, phys201] ;
or, with some more instantiated path
?- search(math101,phys201,[math101|X]).
X = [math102, math210, phys201] ;
X = [math102, phys102, phys201] ;