During a structural simulation, I get the following response in a file.txt
date 03/23/2011
Entity # Title
1 blank
2 die
3 blank
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
.... are the thousands of lines
I get this file 1 time per second like file1.txt file2. txt etc...
I have to join all the files to make single file out of that so that if I copy the next file in this file I dont get any of the text from the upcoming files which is given below but the remaining text to be appended at the end
date 03/23/2011
Entity # Title
1 blank
2 die
3 blank
This above mentioned text needs to be deleted from the upcoming files, stays only from the first one.
I should get:
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
slave 1 time 1.12999E+01 x 4.81992E-03 y 1.69202E+01 z 1.94541E+01
master 1 time 1.12999E+01 x -4.81991E-03 y -1.69202E+01 z -1.94541E+01
can anyone guide me with awk
, sed
and cat
? I am ok to use piping >>
If the header is constant across the files, so is the line count of the header. Thus, the quickest (and maybe dirtiest) way to achieve this is the tail
head -n 10 file1.txt > outputFile
fileCount=$(echo file*.txt | wc -w)
for ((i = 1 ; i <= $fileCount ; i++)) ; do
tail -n +11 file$i.txt >> outputFile
wc -w
produces the number of words that the glob expression file*.txt
results in, i. e. the count of the input files. The arguments -n +11
tell tail
to start output at the 11th line of each file.